Called to Create…

Called to Create…

To be a Kingdom Creative is to be called.

There is much out there again, some really brilliant stuff on why writing is a calling. Just like the Kingdom, writing is a calling and God is the one who is calling you…

Every time I sit in front of the computer keyboard to a blank page I’m taking a risk by foraging on paths yet unwalked. I sometimes go to places I never expected as I find myself beginning to write about something that might have been painful or difficult. Sometimes I haven’t yet got the words for the melody that is falteringly rising up from my soul to bring voice to something yet unknown.

There is something magnificent in the mystery and in the waiting of creating.

John Piper says on writing as a calling: “Until the writing is for God, it is not a calling from God.”

Somehow my writing has always found its way back to God. A few years ago I might not have intended to write something with God in it yet it always ended up returning to Him as though my writing is on a natural loop which will always orbit back to its Creator.

Let me know what you think...