Make Room…

Make Room…

2021 is a breath away…

It sits on the horizon in all its freshness of hope waiting for us like an unopened gift.

Normally right now I would be reflecting and thinking on the year that is passing whilst hoping and dreaming for the year that is coming.

Perhaps I would write down a word for the new year. Or write down three things I am thankful for or three things I hope for.

Yet this year, instead of the well-meant planning and trying to be purpose-driven, I heard a quiet whisper to my soul,

“Make room…”

I’ve always been so quick to fill the year that’s waiting ahead of me, to name it, label it, make my declarations.

But what if all He wants is for me to just be…

What if all those things – the efficiency, the productivity of it all, is actually drowning out His quiet whispers.

“Make room…”

So instead of filling myself up, I will empty myself before the King. Letting go, surrendering.

We don’t have to figure it all out, we don’t have to hurry, we don’t have to grab the pen to quickly write as much as we can on the blank newness of next year.

Let the pages be empty…

Let me know what you think...