I Still Believe…

I Still Believe…

For you know that your believing brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing the same kinds of troubles you endure. And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.”

1 Peter 5:9-10 The Passion Translation.

I still believe…

These words have been whispering in my heart and floating through my thoughts this week.

Three words that change everything when you say them out loud.

I still believe…

Three words that seem hard to bear in a world full of such turmoil right now. The circumstances of the world could easily overwhelm your soul. The circumstances people are facing could easily overwhelm your soul. The circumstances that you might have already been in before the virus settled itself across the planet.

Health problems, depression, anxiety, jobless, homeless, broken, barren, imprisoned…Whatever the circumstance, whatever the pain, oh how easily it can overwhelm your soul, when you see the pain reflected in every corner and person’s eyes.

Perhaps you have been through every emotion possible that your soul has become numb, closed and empty.

Or perhaps you are pouring out your soul grieving with many words, tears and groans. Your heart desperately opens and waiting to be filled with refreshing life.

Or maybe you have given up, you are tired and weary. Your soul overwhelmed and on the brink of despair. With nothing left to give you lay down.

Or maybe it is hope that has been killing your soul – every day waking in the agony of hoping that perhaps today will be a new day. Today will be a day of breakthrough. Today it will change. Today will be a victory!

But today was just another day, an ordinary day of the inconsequential and habitual.

And you find yourself asking that age-old question – can miracles still happen today? When all seems dark, when all seems even mean, when all seems to lack a purpose, and you find yourselves wavering – He will speak to you in the place and three words will come whispering to your heart.

Perhaps too often we can be like the Pharisees longing for a visible sign and yet the miracle started when you spoke those three words again…

I still believe…

Let it roar in your soul today…

Let me know what you think...